The consortium is composed of 7 organizations from 6 European countries (CZ, CZ, NL, BG, ES, IT and PT). All project partners are experienced in EU projects, running and managing small business and innovating in the field of VET technology.

- Euroface Consulting s.r.o. (Czech Republic) is a consulting and training centre fostering links between the education and production sectors, regionally and with some international outreach. Key strengths are people management skills and use of ICT that supports inclusion and equality most notably Open Source applications and free internet based resources. Euroface is dedicated to lowering the barriers to enter to education and the labour market through reducing costs for training and qualifications and acting as an agent for transfer innovation and has extensive experience in EU projects.
- PrimMat (Czech Republic) is a vocational school with the specializations covering the project area of computing science. PrimMat teachers were trained and accredited for students assessment based on comparing the progress in students skills to the learners outcomes defined in relation to EQF. PrimMat is prepared to involve teachers and students into the project activities and share the experience with other schools and organizations in the Czech Republic.
- AGIFODENT ASSOCIATION (Spain) is a non-profit organization that was born in Granada in late 2002 with the purpose to inform, train, participate and educate all users and institutions in matters of European education programs. Throughout nearly a decade of travel, our organization has defined its objectives in terms of social and educational needs, their goals being defined in the following activities: culture, education, pluralism, rights, environmental, mobility, and social problems.
- PRO WORK (Netherlands) ) Foundation Knowledge Centre PRO WORK promotes the career development of people with a (significant) distance to the labor market, skilled workers and others who need coaching, training and counselling in a wide variety of sectors and topics, national and international. PRO WORK operates in sectors like ICT, sustainability, environment, economy, health care and technology associated with sheltered employment, entrepreneurship, talent development of youngsters, unemployment and generation gaps. The projects that PRO WORK participates in vary from national to international level and differ in large number of participating parties, types of partners, structure, collaboration, subject and purpose. Ultimately, all projects focus on the so-called 'Corporate Social Responsibility', because they have in common, that they improve the quality of liveability in many areas.
- DLEARN (Italy) The European Digital Learning Network – DLEARN – is a no-profit association based in Italy, Milan. It aims to embrace the challenges brought by the digital transformation in terms of digital skills mismatch and digital learning opportunities. The network was born from the initiative of 20 different organizations from all over Europe, active in the field of education and digital learning at various levels. DLEARN and its members participate in many transnational initiatives to boost digital learning and digital skills both at European and local level. DLEARN operates mainly through its working groups which are constantly monitoring, analysing and promoting the latest news in terms of digital learning and skills.
- SPI-SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE INOVACAO (Portugal) is a consulting firm, created in 1997, as an active centre of national and international networks connected to the innovation sector with a mission of managing projects that foster innovation and promote international opportunities. In fulfilling its mission, SPI has created competences in several different areas which include: development of strategies and policy dialogue, dissemination, training and training needs assessment, and program and project evaluation provided through its permanent staff located in Portugal, Spain, Brussels, China and the United States. Furthermore, SPI is an associated member of the European Business & Innovation Centre Network and has a wide network of contacts with different kinds of R&D and innovation actors across Europe and beyond.
- The National Training Centre (NTC) (Bulgaria) is a privately-owned training and training innovations company in Sofia, Bulgaria. NTC has been founded in 1999. In 2004, NTC obtained a license from the Ministry of Education for its principal training arm – the Adam Smith College of Management (https://www.adamsmith.bg). NTC started its first EU project in 2003 and has steadily increased the team's competence in the fields of EU strategic frameworks, policies and programmes in the field of vocational education and training: competence-based occupational analyses, training and assessment, curricula building, TNA and customised training programmes, quality in education and training, business modelling and business simulations, training games, credit and transfer systems, prior learning recognition, ICT in training and education, support for entrepreneurs and start-ups, green enterprises and green economy, social inclusion and inclusion in education and training for people with disabilities, training for persons with a (considerable) distance to the labor market.